800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
 800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
 800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
 800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024

Update: Please note that the screensavers will only work using ancient operating systems such as the classic Mac OS 9)
 800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
 800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
 800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
 800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
 800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
 800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
 800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
 800 X 600
1024 X 768
1280 X 1024
please choose your desktop size and download with
right-mouse-click/ctrl+click >> save image
>> download link